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Looking to build in a rural location?

Updated: Sep 15, 2024

Building a new home in a rural area can prove a little more challenging so it always pays to talk and build with the experts.  A rural property has a few extra requirements that specialists like our team at Calley Homes have a wealth of experience in.  

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions that will help give you some of the answers you may be searching for or contact us and request a meet onsite with one of our knowledgable team and we can guide you through.

Rural Building | Design and Build Tauranga

Q1. Are their special zoning regulations?

Yes, there are special zoning regulations for a rural property however these vary from area to area and council to council. Boundary setbacks and building restrictions are different for each council dependent on their criteria so it’s important to check the facts before beginning the design phase.  We can work with you and consult the right industry expert about the regulations for your particular slice of paradise. 

Q2. What do we need to know about land covenants?

These will depend on the development, but more and more we're seeing even simple slices of rural land having developers covenants applied. We can get a copy of these, work through them with you in order to make sure your project complies from the outset.  A lot of people can be confused about the difference between covenants and consent notices. Covenants are listed on the title and normally describe the design of house you are able to build, but these are not enforceable by council and enforcement is by neighbours and/or the developer through a civil court. 

Consent notices, on the other hand, are enforced by the council and they will not issue a building consent unless they have been complied with.

Q3. Does previous land use for the property have to be disclosed?

Yes, each time you propose to change the use of a slice of land, perhaps from rural grazing to residential dwelling, the National Environmental Standards (NES) become enacted. 

We're seeing less and less of this however, as it's required by developers at the time of subdivision and therefore is not normally an overly strenuous issue for new home builders.

Q7. Will our site require a Geotech report?

Geotech reports are generally a requirement when building on a new site wether residential in a city or town, or in a rural location. A geotech report will generally provide a guide as to potential land issues such as peat, sand or the water table.  In most rural cases a geotech report will need to be conducted and potentially soil testing in some cases to check for contamination.  

Q4. How do we know what ditch or drainage system we have and who is responsible for maintaining it?

Rural and Lifestyle properties will most likely require onsite effluent treatment. 

The type and size of the system is designed by a qualified and licensed individual who will work with the rural house plans and design to ensure you get exactly what you need. The maintenance will depend on the type of system installed and the installers can take you through this process if it's at all complicated.

Q5. What about water supply and options around this for a rural property?

Traditionally rural sites have a rainwater collection tank, mains pressure pumps and specialist filters that mean the water entering your home is both safe to drink and free from contaminants that might damage your tapware. 

Depending on the site there are lots of other items we can install; first flush systems, bore top ups, etc, and each of these is specifically designed per site.

Q6. What about power supply and what should we look out for around the power supply connection in particular?

Here's the one that everyone should be most aware of. It's important to check there is a connection allowed for on the grid for the property, that the cable is the correct size and that line owners are aware of the connection.

This is something that should be dealt with during the due diligence on the land as it can be costly. We can help connect you (power pun intended) with the right people to get this right.


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